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Carbon Filter System-Freight Not Included

Activated Carbons
Granular Activated Carbon constitutes an excellent filtration
media, having a high density with a balanced pore-structure
for more efficient absorption.
One of the most common applications for Activated Carbon
is the removal of the undesirable taste present in many
chlorinated water supplies. This taste is the result of the
formation of chlorophenols, often present in raw waters
which contained phenols and were subsequently treated
with chlorine. These phenols are usually the product of
industrial wastes. Even 0.1 ppm of chlorophenols can
result in an undesirable taste. Ac ti vat ed Carbon has
for many years been successful in the absorption of
orthochlorophenol and the removal of free chlorine from
water supplies. The end product is clean, fresh water with
no objectionable tastes.
Activated Carbon requires only periodic backwashing to
eliminate accumulated suspended matter and to re-grade
the filter bed. Activated Carbon has an extremely high
capacity but must be replaced when the filter bed loses the
capacity for removal of taste and odor.
To obtain maximum efficiency of the activated carbon in the
absorption process, it is best to have the greatest possible
surface area in the smallest practical volume. This is
because the rate of absorption is proportional to the amount
of surface area of the absorbing medium media. Activated
Carbon has a surface area of 800 sq. meters per gram. This
results in high efficiency and system economy.
When considering Activated Carbon for taste, odor and
color removal applications, it is necessary that the influent
be relatively free of iron for maximum service life. It is
also necessary that the influent be free from oil and other
suspended matter, as these constituents may reduce the
overall efficiency of the activated carbon
• The large surface area results in an exceptionally high
capacity and effi ciency. Activated Carbon is very hard
so losses due to attrition are kept to a minimum
• Activated Carbon is an outstanding material for
applications requiring taste, odor and color removal
from water with suspended matter present. This
product can be used for fi ltering waters having a wide
range of pH levels.
• Activated Carbon has a very high carbon-low ash
content. Service rates of 5 gpm/sq. ft. are practical for
ordinary taste, odor and color loads
• Activated Carbon will import a high “polish” to the
filtered water
Physical Properties:
Color .....Black
Form ......granular
Density ...33 lbs./cu. ft.
Water Soluble less than 0.5%
Iodine# ....800
Abrasion# ....75 min.
Meets AWWA Standard .......B604-74
Conditions for Operation:
1. Water to be filtered should preferably be free of oil and suspended matter
2. Water to be filtered should be free of oil and turbidity
for life in taste, odor and color removal.
pH ...wide range
Bed Depth.... 26 - 30 in.
Backwash Rate ................. 8 -10 gpm
Backwash Bed Expansion ........30 - 40% of bed depth
Service Flow Rate .........5 gpm/sq. ft.
Activated Carbons
12 x 40 is an excellent fi ltration medium with excellent adsorptive properties. Used for the removal
of taste and odors, chlorine, etc. Periodic backwashing is required in down-fl ow fi lters.
Maximum carbon life is usually three years.
 $1,930.00 |  $2,575.00 |  $2,875.00 |
 $2,575.00 |  $3,440.00 |  $4,230.00 |
 $4,830.00 |  $6,525.00 |